黒霧島(焼酎) 販売しております。

If you are at all familiar with Japanese alcohol, then you have probably heard of “shochu”, a popular distilled liquor in japan.

It is made of rice or buckwheat and some are also flavored with potatoes, soba, plum leaf or black sugar.

There are even unique ones like chestnut, onion or aloe as they are made in different area and houses.

Shochu can be enjoyed on the rocks or straight, just like whiskey.

The difference is that Shochu is enjoyed warm by diluted with hot water, during the cold winter.  Chuhai” is shochu diluted with soda water, still water, tea or fruit juice. It is as popular as beer in Japan.

We sale many kinds of liquor.  Please come to check liquor at our shop.

ジャパンオンラインショップ ヤンゴン(Japan Onlineshop Yangon )

ミャンマーのヤンゴンにあるジャパンオンラインショップ 日本のお菓子・缶詰・冷凍食品・お酒(焼酎、ウイスキー、日本酒)・飲み物(炭酸飲料、清涼飲料等)・家電製品(カメラ 変圧器 布団乾燥機、空気洗浄機、除湿機、蚊取付空気洗浄機)・洗剤・本・釣具等 豊富な品揃えでヤンゴン1のコンビニエンスストアです。毎週、入荷しております。 ヤンゴンでは手に入りにくい日本の商品もございます。 ぜひ、御来店下さい。


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